Thursday, July 9, 2009

These are the Good Ol' Dayz

Last night was another reunion of sorts. A fellow NJROTC alumni was back in AZ and a group of us gathered at D&B to see what's been happening to us all. I gotta tell you friend, these events leave me humble, grateful and energized!

You probably need some back story. As you well know, I'm an only child and the only grandchild in my mom's side of the fam for many years. At the end of 8th grade there was a meet and greet with the 3 high schools our Jr high fed into. I was going to go to Apollo. At the Apollo booth there were a few kids dressed in Navy uniforms with a big picture board showing all the different sorts of activities. One photo caught my 13 year old attention. It was one of the military ball. That's all it took. I know...I'm sure I could make up a better reason I joined ROTC but the truth...just wanted to go to the ball.

Now its August before Freshman year and I'm terrified to be in the ROTC room collecting my uniforms. I remember being baffled at why I joined a group that required me to wear a military uniform every Wed to school. That day I met Donald Duck (*remember I change names). Turns out the DD was my very first friend in high school and is STILL one of my very best friends. That same day I also met the son of our Commander and for reasons I'm still not sure of, an antagonistic relationship ensued that lasted all 4 years.

Almost 20 years later and over the course of 6 months I'm reconnecting with so many of these kids. It's been overwhelming to say the least. Several went into the military. Some live out of state, lots of kids, some broken marriages, some successful marriages...alot of life has happened in 20 years yet the same thing happens at every meeting. These people are still the people that I fell in love with Freshman year. Some was romantic love sure but when I say love my meaning is more innocent.

These kids were the highlight of my childhood and still are in my memories. Suddenly I wasn't alone anymore and I had a collection of people that were bonded in the wearing of a military uniform once a week in high school. Now think about that for a moment. In a period of life that could quite possibly be the hardest and the need to fit in at its peak, we were a group of kids that VOLUNTEERED to be in a group that wore uniforms and marched. LOL!! It makes me laugh to think about that.

So last night I got to show the Hubbs who I used to know. The hunk is still the hunk, the tomboy was still the tomboy, the jock was still the sweet guy he always was, and the commander's son...well he's not the antagonistic pain the in butt I thought he was. Truth be told I may have been wrong about him. Let's keep that between us!

I don't know if everyone had the opportunity to go back in time and revisit their past in the way I've been able to do these past 6 months. I can say with conviction and tears that the moment that 13 year old girl saw a picture of the military ball set forth a chain of events that wove together a history and a foundation for my life that stays with me today.