Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Nipple Rings Anyone?!

Did that title get your attention? Nipple rings were the topic on my mind most of the weekend. Not to worry, I'm about to tell you why.

Saturday the Hubs' had to be at a Blues Festival and I was invited to tag along. Being a sideline blues fan I said sure. Sounded like fun. As some of you who know me personally can attest, I find myself in some odd situations. This festival was no exception.

I got there a little later than the Hubs' and when I took my seat in the lawn he informed me that the guy on the blanket next to me had nipple rings. C'mon, we live in Southern Cali, nipple rings are no biggie. The Hubs' goes back to his obligation at the festival and I take a gander around the crowd. Cool group. There was a hugely diverse cross section of people. Black, white, Asian, young, old, you name it. There was a larger number of what my dad likes to call 'old burners' rocking out. You know the type, aging hippies with tie dyed t's, long beards streaked with grays and a pony tail that starts with a hairline in the midsection of his scalp. Of course these guys have tattoos and nipple rings! I love these guys!

My gaze fell on one of these said hippies to my left and I assumed that this was the ring-offender. I gazed on. The gentleman directly next to me caught my attention by his lack of hippie-ness. He was probably in his late 50s/early 60s. Short curly gray hair, glasses, clean jeans, you know, the basic bank VP. He was removing his shirt when my eyes fell on him. Much to my humor and shock two bright shiny nipple rings appeared. I couldn't stop staring not even when the Hubs' came back and tried to get my attention.

In the grand scheme of things 2 nipple rings on a middle aged man probably not that big of a deal especially in Southern Cali. What totally delighted me was the shock factor of this guy. Picture your dad or favorite Uncle Phil removing his shirt at the Labor Day BBQ and wham mo, 2 shiny metal rings dangling from his pecs. Never mind what mom or Aunt Ruth is doing with these rings in private. The shock is fun if not a little disturbing.

In my decade of living in Cali, I've come to appreciate and crave the unexpected in people. Now I'm not talking about the discovery of addictions or crimes. I'm talking about the clean cut housewife with a full suit of tattoos or the grandparents that dress alike and tear up the dance floor at Disneyland. These things make us...well us. I had an interesting childhood and the biggest thing I took from it was we are NOT what we appear to be. So what's your shock factor? Is there a pole in your bedroom? Dream about being on stage with a smokey blues band? If you had no chance at failure or judgment what would you do?

The Punkin
Pssst...I'm the one dreaming of singing with a blues band.


Kev said...

It didn’t convince me to get anything pierced, but if I can talk your mother into getting matching tattoos, then it might happen. Getting a tattoo of Moses parting the red sea on my butt seems like a little extreme way to start the tattoo thing. I’ll have to work up to it.


Stephanie said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! : ) kev, that's just not something i want to see! : )Althougth it made for a really good laugh today!