Thursday, February 5, 2009

What the heck just happened?

I love Southern California aka, SoCal. I've wanted to live there since I was 8 years old and we visited my uncles who 'worked in the biz' and lived in the Valley. I dreamt of going to UCLA, taking up surfing and becoming a 6 foot blond with blue eyes and rack that was the envy of plastic surgeons everywhere.

Well, I didn't attend UCLA, I'm terrified of the creators at the bottom of the ocean and I'm still a 5'5" brunette. However I did get to live in LA for 10 years and I do have a pretty great rack! So how the heck did I end up back in Arizona?! *loud exhale of exasperation"

It all started Dec 3, just a few days after the Thanksgiving weekend. The Hubbs came home with the grand announcement "how about when we go to Phoenix for Christmas we don't come home?" At my gaping mouth he proceeds to tell me that his boss offered him a promotion that included a move to Chandler AZ. After his emotional bomb he dances off to our home office, in ignorant bliss, to finish working on a project. I stagger around my perfect 2 block from the ocean, just finished painting and furnishing to my delight, Long Beach apartment in complete shock.

Arizona?? No no no no. I was NEVER moving back to Arizona. If you're a Zonie and getting all unraveled, settle down. I love AZ. I love the desert and the smell of pinon wood after a rain. The heat never bothered me and the winters are what midwesterns have dreams about. I already DID Arizona. I lived there for 14 years from age 10 -24. It was my holding tank for my life in SoCal. I'm a Cali girl. So what the heck just happened?

Fast forward two months to the day and I'm sitting at my beloved computer in a second floor apartment in Chandler AZ, nary an ocean in sight. God has a pretty funny sense of humor.

So while I don't know why I'm here, the Hubb's purpose is pretty clear. So I think I'll stick around and see what the big Guy upstairs has in mind for his stubborn child...(that's me).

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