Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Live Long & Prosper

The beginning the of summer blockbusters is upon us. Over the past two weekends the Hubbs and I have partaken in this event by attending opening weekend for both Wolverine and Star Trek. Not really my types of films but after years of attending, in his words, whatever freaky lame @$$ waste of time film I wanted to see, I owed him a few mainstream films. I'm glad I did too. At a very basic review level both flicks were fun, stimulating and worth the admission.

Yeah but you know me right? I can't leave it there. After we left Star Trek something haunted me for days; both films were prequels. An interesting term and more interesting a trend that has been consistently gaining momentum thanks to Mr Lucas. As a currently unpaid but hopefully soon to be paid screenwriter I find prequels fascinating. Why? Thanks for asking! We know the ending.

Well, we do don't we? The whole premise of a prequel is that it's telling of the back story us writers spent months agonizing over during the original script as a way to get the characters right. Now you as the audience want to know what the heck happened to these people that made them so haunted or successful. Studios are make serious bank on that need. But the thought is still there, how do we keep the audience entertained and interested for 90 minutes for a story they already know the end too?

I'm not sure about that answer. Aren't ya glad you came along this little psycho journey with me?! I hope to have an answer by the time I'm done writing so stick with me and maybe we'll find out together!

Here's what I'm thinking and see if you agree or can extrapolate anything more. We know the ending of our story, we die. Yet we still continue to make decisions and live lives despite what some see as a depressing ending. Let's back up and say yes we know we're all headed north or for some and you know who you are, south after that last breath is expelled. We also know that there's an end to every flick and the credits will roll. Yet we continue to go see what Lucas, Spielberg and Apatow are up too because we love the journey whether the film was worth the $15 or not. So with that logic (maybe a stretch to say logic but let's keep going) though we know our end we want a great journey.

So the life we're living is the prequel to our future right? Follow me? I want to go further in this question. If you knew the exact ending of your life would you change how you're living it now? I think of Anakin Sky walker, yes I am talking about Darth Vader. Mr. Lucas, in my opinion, did an amazing job creating the life and pain of this man that was to become one of the coolest villains in film history. If young Anakin knew that his hate was going to cause him to have to breath through a black laundry basket for the rest of his life do you think he may have sought some therapy or at least hugged a wookie once in awhile?

So back to you friend, where are you wanting to go and what's holding you back? I'm asking myself that quite a bit these days. I'm a writer whose terrified of writing. No seriously I am afraid of writing! That blank screen just mocking me...*shudder*. Thank goodness for Facebook or I'd never be on the computer. Crap, I'm digressing again. Back to story, I have a pretty good idea of what I'd like the end to be but thankfully I believe in a big God that has the foresight to not let me know what He has planned but yet gives me dreams. If I knew all the things that were going to be in my life over the past 34 years I'm pretty sure I would have just curled up in a ball and covered my head. There was good, there was bad and there sure was ugly. Hel-lo crazy quilted skirt and matching top with pink saddle shoes! But looking back it's all so overwhelming it can make ME speechless. Think of your own story, if you knew what you know now wouldn't you have made different decisions? Flipside being you are now because of what you were then.

Another thought entered and is dancing around in this frightening place I call my mind. Don't just think about your own prequel. Take a moment to think about someone else's. Might help us to deal in a more productive way with someone who just gets our dander up.

So in a wrap up, (aren't you glad you stuck around? Thanks for that!) I guess I'm saying that I enjoy the occasional prequel but when given the choice I want the original. I'm glad I didn't know nor do I know now what the future will bring in my little life but I do know one thing, I do NOT want to end up sliding down a flaming hill with no legs only to be put into a black suit and breath like a char pea. I look terrible in black!

Punkin Out!

1 comment:

GroovyPucks said...

hehehe I love the thought provokin crazy way your mind works. thanks for the brain tease today. . that was a cool post and awesome way to look at the movies :)